Hey, I'm Kabir! I live in San Francisco, where I engineer products at Cartesia.
I recently graduated from UC Berkeley, where I earned a degree in Computer Science with Honors and a minor in Public Policy.
Before joining Cartesia, I was an AI/UX engineer at Symbolic, where I built AI tools for journalists.
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The story of Little Boy Blue
How and why I built a Slack bot to foster community in a Berkeley student org
July 14, 2023
What apps do
A framework for thinking about apps.
June 13, 2023
Analyzing dependencies of JavaScript snippets
Where I befriend Babel to parse out identifiers referenced in code.
May 28, 2023
Higher-order components in Svelte
Emulating the React function-as-child pattern.
July 17, 2022
What I Want from My Writing Tools
A wishlist of features.
July 16, 2022
I wrote a Brainfuck to Go compiler
And it taught me about writing actually useful compilers.
June 2, 2022
SwiftUI Needs to Get Schwifty
The state of SwiftUI development in 2022. (It's not great.)
April 3, 2022
Opinionated by Default, Programmable by Design
Why don’t more apps leverage programming experience?
June 2, 2021
Getting Productive with Notion
Advice from Cal Newport’s “How to Become a Straight-A Student”
January 27, 2021
An improved React container component
Simplify your layout code with this one weird trick.
January 18, 2021
Aech: An Ergonomic CSS Helper
Making it easier to style my new web projects.
January 11, 2021
The White House in Your Brain
“A most judicious choice, sire.”
January 6, 2021