The most beautiful newsletter platform on the web. Built with Next.js and backed by Airtable.
3 Demos For Crafting Text With LLMs2023
A collection of demos I delivered at AI/UX: Beyond The Textbox, hosted at Notion HQ on April 19, 2023.
An experiment in adapting computational notebooks to full-stack development.
Little Boy Blue2023
A Slack bot I built for a Berkeley student org, Little Boy Blue awards and tracks points in an internal leaderboard.
A Flappy Bird-inspired terminal game written in Go.
A writing tool for application essays. Use earlier responses to autogenerate new ones with an LLM.
Me, But Online2022
A collection of minimalist, original personal websites with great typography.
Svelte French Toast2022
Buttery smooth toast notifications for Svelte. Lightweight, customizable, and beautiful by default.
An email address for your Discord community. Sign up for newsletters, forward emails, and more.
Unslant surfaces contrasting takes on political news as you read. Available for Chrome.
A lightweight, modern CSS starter kit that’s beautiful by default.
Rails-based Substack alternative with analytics, theming, and drafts.
Exun 20182018
Event app for the 24th annual festival of my high school technology club. Delivered 55,000 notifications.
Koa middleware for HTTP Basic authentication.
Wi-Fi based file transfer app. Just drop a file and scan the code.
Unix’s Find, Unleashed. An intuitive alternative to the Unix “find” command.
Brainf*** to Go compiler based on Rob Pike’s famous talk “Lexical Scanning in Go.”
Isnochys Syntax2017
“In space, no one can hear you scream.” A high-contrast Atom syntax theme that's easy on the eyes.
Fast and memory-efficient text truncation utility written in Rust for window managers like i3 and bspwm.